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About Me

Hi, my name is Preston Clark. I am a 14 year old American that really enjoys playing fortnite, playing sports, and hanging out with friends. I have been gaming for about 5 years I started when I was about 9 years old playing cod, minecraft, and some other games that were on the wii.

I would think of myself as a pretty experienced fortnite player, I have high placements 150s 100s. I have pretty good mechanics I don’t really focus on my mechanics, I like to focus on my mentality which is very important in fortnite. I have a very high mentality in fortnite, thats why I am a good coach.

I have coached a lot of my friends in fortnite, when I coach them in tournaments they expect to get at least a 150 which usually happens. My friends are very satisfied with my coaching skill.

How Does My Coaching Work?

1 hour sessions:

We will get to know each other. We will hope into some creative I will test your mechanics, and rate them by: OK, Needs Work, average, elite.

if you have anything that is below elite I will give you some creative maps to use to get better mechanics, and I will give you some tips to get better mechanics. Then we will hope into a few arena games, depending how you do I will give you a rating 1-10. If you get below a 5 it means you need to play more arena and work on it. After the few games you play I will vod review for you and point out the mistake you made so you can learn from it.

2 hour sessions:

Once we get into the the the next session we will work on what you need to improve so you can get better at fortnite. We will work on

positioning, play styles loadouts, what fights to take and not to take and your drop spot. The first we will do is go to what your not best at

whatever it is we will start with working on it and then we will work our way up on what you have to get better at.

3 Hour sessions:

Now that we know all about each other we will still focus on what you need to improve. If you buy a 3 hour session I will coach you through a tournament (tournaments are usually 2-3 hours long.) during the tournament I will comm your zones, materials, loadout, and how many players are left. I will do more comms if you need me to those are just the basics.

Important things to know

  • I am not toxic
  • I will do constructive criticism
  • I am serious I do not take fooling around
  • I am kind
  • We will work on whatever you want to work on together it is your call.